How do I get community service hours signed?

The first step is to make sure you filled out all of your post session surveys. That way we know how many hours you have tutored. 

IMPORTANT: We will not sign off hours if you have not filled out your post-session surveys. 

The next step is to send your request to our community support team via email at They will handle the verification and signing off process.

For external sessions (classrooms outside our platform): please provide us with the necessary details such as dates, times, and student information. Additionally, we will verify these hours directly with the student and/or request proof of the session from the tutor. This helps us ensure accuracy and maintain the integrity of our program.

Please allow our community support team at least 5 business days to respond to your request.

In your email be sure to include the date you need your hours by (if there is a due date) and please ensure any documents you need to be signed off, are filled out to the best of your abilities.

If you are looking just to see a log of your own hours, you can find them in your dashboard. Log in at and click on my "My Past Sessions". You should see a table of your sessions with the length in minutes. 

Some people wonder how often they need to submit hours to be signed. We don't require you to submit your hours to us. That is up to you and your school. But we have a small staff so if you can submit them once every quarter/semester, that is best

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