How do I change my partner settings?

Log into your account

Log into your account

Click on the Settings link

On the left sidebar, click on the link titled Settings

Edit basic settings

Once on the Settings page, you'll see a number of fields you can edit including adding a logo (which will appear on the student enrollment page), your partner name/description and two things I think worth mentioning individually.

Add Community/School Names

Let's say you are an administrator for multiple schools or you are an administrator for several affordable housing units in multiple cities. In this case, your students could span several different schools or communities.

You can add these community/school names in your partner settings and after doing so, whenever a student enrolls, they can select the community/school name that applies to them.

Input the names comma separated and you're done!

Setting restrictions on who your students and tutors connect with

A quick note: this is not common and for almost all partners, both of these boxes are left unchecked! So if this doesn't apply to you, you can skip this step all together!

Restricting students you enroll to tutors you enroll

Some partners enroll students AND tutors. And they want their students to only be connected with their tutors. If you check the box titled Check this box to restrict students you enroll to only be connected with tutors you enroll, then general Learn To Be tutors will not see students you enroll.

Restricting tutors you enroll to students you enroll

This is sort of like the opposite of the above. If you check the box titled Check this box to restrict tutors you enroll to only connect with students you enroll, then any tutor you enroll will only be able to connect with students you enroll and not with general Learn To Be students.

Again, this is rarely used, but an option in case you'd like to add these restrictions.

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