Tutoring Sessions
Partner Admins at Learn To Be can view data about all tutoring sessions their members conduct.
Want to see how many tutoring sessions your members have taken part in?
Below is a view of the tutoring sessions tab. The left menu is your primary navigation with links to your partnership's main data pages, and the columns in this view show information relevant to each tutoring session such as: duration, classroom, date & time, individual feedback, and more!
NOTE: Clicking directly on a tutor or student name takes you to their profile. See the the STUDENT and TUTOR profile guides for more information.
At the bottom, you can navigate pages by clicking the '<' and '>' arrows. You can also adjust the number of rows you want to see on each page, and you can download all the information on any screen by clicking the 'download' button in the bottom right.
Search and Filters
Near the top right of the screen are your search and filter options. You can search for a specific tutoring connection by entering the text into the search bar and hitting 'enter.' You can filter which tutoring connections you see by clicking on the filter icon at the top and selecting your filter criteria.
See this GUIDE on how to use Search and Filters!
Tutoring Session Details
If you want to view more details about a tutoring connection, simply click on the row. This will open the tutoring connection's view.
At the top you see the tutoring session ID number. Scrolling down in this view shoes all information relevant to the selected tutoring session such as: duration, classroom, date & time, individual feedback, and more!
Tutoring Session Menu
The left sidebar under tutoring sessions shows a 'Users' tab. Clicking on this will bring up the people in the tutoring session that you have access to view. For example, if the tutor in the session is part of your partnership, you will see their profile.