How do I apply for the President's volunteer service award for my Chapter?

Has your chapter/club completed 4,000 hours of tutoring collectively? Are you interested in receiving an award from the President to commemorate your chapter’s great accomplishments? Learn To Be can help!

What is the award?

The purpose of this award is to celebrate and recognize the importance of our Tutor Chapters/Clubs. This award honors groups whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action. To learn more about the award, visit

What are the requirements for eligibility?

  • United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder). Canadian tutors are not eligible.
  • LTB Chapters/Clubs are only eligible for the lifetime achievement award.
  • LTB Chapters/Clubs must log all their tutoring hours in the LTB system in order to receive credit.
  • Hours can be completed over the lifetime of the Chapter but all hours must be completed through Learn To Be. We do not accept external community service hours.

What is the application process?

Once your chapter has completed the hours required please email our Program Coordinator Ashley at Use the subject line "Presidential Volunteer Service Award" and request a chapter review. Be sure to include your chapter’s name, address, and total hours volunteered. LTB will review and verify your chapter’s hours. If everything looks good, you will be notified and mailed your award! It takes about 5-7 days for the award to be processed and 3-5 days to be shipped.

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